

    April: Stress Awareness Month

    April is Stress Awareness Month and here at Premier, one of our core values is to help support everyone we can through stressful times. Stress Management can be a very powerful tool for overall wellness since too much stress can be very harmful to us. Covid-19 has left so many feeling more stressed than ever before, our April Newsletter focuses on some ways to help relieve stress and anxiety.

    Social Interaction:

    As Shep Hyken once said, “Recognize that every interaction you have is an opportunity to make a positive impact on others.” Talking with people, such as friends and family, helps to reduce stress. A study conducted by Carnegie Mellon University found that people, who use their family and friends as a stress buffer to talk about their problems, are less likely to seek negative coping mechanisms.


    People who exercise tend to get better deep sleep, which can help renew the brain and the body. Physical activity can also make people feel less anxious and have a more positive image of themselves. Exercise also increases your body’s production of feel-good endorphins and some exercises that can give a dose of stress relief are:

    • Running/Swimming/Cycling
    • Dancing
    • Aerobics
    • Yoga

    Relaxation Techniques:

    Taking time to relax and decompress is key for stress reduction. Everyone has different activities or outlets they enjoy in order to unwind after a stressful day. Below are some suggestions on activities that can help you to relax:

    1. Deep breathing
      • When you practice deep breathing, you activate your body’s natural ability to relax
    2. Being outdoors (Weather permitting)
      • This can boost your energy, boost your immune system and provide you with free aromatherapy

    If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask your Premier Home Health Aide for more stress relieving tips. With Premier, you are always in the best care!

    For more information contact:

    Premier Home Health Care Services, Inc.

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