

    Tips to Combat Winter Blues

    Unless you love the snow, cold weather and shorter days the winter season can affect our mood, energy and mess with our body rhythms. Some people despise the winter and seek the comforts of warmer climates at this time. However, that plan is not in everyone’s financial or time budget. There are ways to combat these smaller changes in mood and make the most of the wintertime and even find a way to enjoy it. This is especially important for our senior loved ones who may feel even more isolated in the winter time.


    or just get moving!

    When we are feeling a little down, getting some exercise is a healthy way to improve our mood. Outdoor exercise would be most beneficial to your health, but if walking in the snow sounds terrible, consider a stationary piece of cardio equipment for your home. Even doing household chores like laundry, sweeping and mopping can suffice for activity. Exercise can also help offset the weight gain that is common after the holidays.

    Be sure you consult your elderly loved one's physician for a proper exercise routine.

    Let the sunshine in

    as much as it's possible!

    If you or your loved one have seasonal depression or notice mood changes, you will want to get outside as much as you can during the day and take advantage of what sunlight there is. If you live where it is cold, be sure to bundle up, but take a stroll around the block at noon or soon after — that's when the sun is brightest. Also, when you are indoors, keep your blinds open to let as much natural light in as you can. You want to be in bright environments whenever possible.

    Find a winter activity you enjoy

    and then schedule a lot of it!

    Research shows that simply anticipating something you like makes you happier, so this is a practical way to put that into action. Maybe you or your loved one enjoy cross country skiing, making snowmen or ice skating -- whatever it is, make an effort to find something (anything!) that you like and then commit to doing it. Even going out for a brisk walk and making hot cocoa after can make the winter blues stay away for a bit and create a nice winter tradition to look forward to. 

    Find a Hobby

    and stick with it!

    For those who want to avoid going outdoors when it is freezing, winter is the perfect time to complete some household projects that you have been putting off (the closet that collects everything won’t organize itself on its own!). Even better winter is great time to try out a new hobby; if it be crocheting, woodwork, learning a new language, scrapbooking or streaming some old favorite movies and tv shows there are several options to take advantage of while staying warm and occupied.

    Who knows, maybe your elderly loved one can teach YOU a hobby of theirs!

    Talk to your Doctor

    if you need some added support.

    Sometimes a mood change is something minor, but if you notice it effecting your functioning ability or feel you are getting depressed it is best to see a doctor. Seasonal Affective Disorder (or SAD) is a form of depression and it is best diagnosed by talking with a mental health professional. Your doctor will ask several screening questions that can help determine if someone is depressed and offer several treatment options of necessary.

    Find a Companion

    who you can spend time with!

    Premier Home Health Care Services specializes in comprehensive long or short term care options, including companionship.

    Companionship is one of the most important benefits we can offer our senior community members as a #homecare provider. Especially for those who may be alone through the winter or holidays due to distance or the pandemic.

    If you'd like to learn more about the care we can offer your aging loved one to ensure they're safe and well during the most difficult times, send us a message or give us a call today at 866-720-0124!

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