

    The 7 A's of Dementia

    There are 7 symptoms of dementia, known as the 7 A's of dementia, as each medical term starts with the letter A. Please note that not everyone will experience all 7 symptoms. For more informal descriptions of symptoms of dementia and helpful tips, please consult our blog Understanding Dementia and the 7 Symptoms.

    The 7 A's of Dementia are:

    1. Anosognosia - no knowledge of illness or condition caused by damage/changes to the brain’s frontal lobe which is responsible for our self-image.
      • Easily confused with embarrassment but it’s genuine unawareness of the disease.
    2. Aphasia – difficulty with, or often complete loss of, all aspects of language caused by damage to the left side of the brain responsible for language
      • Expressive aphasia (non-fluent) is where someone has difficulty communicating their thoughts and ideas
      • Receptive aphasia (fluent) is where someone has difficulty understanding things.
      • Anomic aphasia, also known as amnesia, is where someone has difficulty finding the right names for people, objects or places.
      • Global aphasia is the most severe form of aphasia where someone loses almost all language function including the ability to speak, understand speech, read or write.
    3. Agnosia - loss of recognition and inability to process sensory information.
      • Auditory agnosia is the inability to recognize or differentiate between sounds. An example would be the inability to recognize familiar voices.
      • Tactile agnosia which is the inability to recognize or identify objects by touch. An example would be the inability to utlize parts of the body.
      • Visual agnosia which is the inability to recognize objects. An example would be the inability to recognize familiar faces.
    4. Apraxia - loss of purposeful or skilled physical movement even if the instruction to do so is understood.
      • Buccofacial or orofacial – the inability to carry out facial movements on command such as licking lips, whistling, or winking.
      • Limb-kinetic – the inability to make fine, precise movements with an arm or leg.
      • Ideomotor – the inability to make the proper movement in response to a verbal command.
      • Ideational – the inability to make multiple, sequential movements, such as dressing, eating, and bathing.
      • Verbal – difficulty coordinating mouth and speech movements.
      • Constructional – the inability to copy, draw, or construct simple figures.
      • Oculomotor – difficulty moving the eyes on command.
    5. Amnesia – the loss of memory and/or the inability to form new memories
      • Anterograde – the inability to form new memories
      • Retrograde – the loss of existing, previously made memories
      • Transient global amnesia (TGA) – fluctuating confusion or agitation over the course of several hours.
    6. Altered perception - loss of visual perception and the inability to interpret sensory information.
      • An example would be difficulty with depth perception and ability to correctly judge the distance from themselves to an object which results in bumps and falls
    7.  Apathy - loss of interest, enthusiasm or concern for everyday things as well as lack of initiating conversation. Some examples of this symptom include
      • Lack of personal hygiene
      • Loss of interest in previous hobbies
      • Lack of cleaning and daily life upkeep

    The 7 A's of dementia are very common symptoms of Dementia, though as mentioned, not all will suffer every one. Check out our other blog Understanding Dementia and the 7 Symptoms to help you learn more about the most common symptoms and how you can help your loved one live a beautiful life with Dementia.



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