

    Don’t Let Winter Weather Stop You from Keeping Doctor Visits

    The winter months can bring ice and snow, making traveling a challenge. Even without stormy weather, the cold temperatures can leave us feeling like all we want to do is stay snug at home. The logistics of transporting wheelchairs and other medical equipment (such as oxygen tanks) can make winter travel for even the simplest errands and appointments more challenging.

    Wanting to avoid venturing out can be a natural response to wintry weather, but keeping doctor appointments is critical. Of course, when winter advisories are issued and drivers are urged to stay off the roads, appointments will need to be rescheduled. Generally, however, it’s important to not let the cold temperatures keep patients away from vital checkups and follow-ups with their health care providers.

    How Home Health Care Helps

    Services available from Premier Home Health Care, Inc. include care management,  help from home health aides, transportation services and escorts who can coordinate schedules with clients, their families and health care providers, as well as provide transportation to appointments and assistance at doctors’ offices.

    Our team can ensure that clients, as well as any necessary medical equipment, are transported safely and on time to critical doctor visits and appointments for services such as medical testing or screenings, physical therapy, or treatment sessions. Our care management program also aims to increase our clients’ understanding of their own health and to keep caregivers informed, answering questions, providing guidance, and coordinating communication.

    Why Keeping Appointments Matters

    As the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) explains, “Regular health exams and tests can help find problems before they start. They also can help find problems early, when your chances for treatment and cure are better.”

    In addition to the importance of preventive care, follow-up care is a vital part of health management. For clients with ongoing health challenges or conditions (such as high cholesterol or diabetes), charting the effectiveness of medications and nutrition plans is critical to improving health.

    Patients undergoing cancer treatment, for example, must keep follow-up appointments even after treatment is completed to not only screen for recurrence of cancer, but to manage long-term and late side effects. As explains, “Most people expect to experience side effects while receiving treatment. However, it is often surprising to survivors that some side effects may linger beyond the treatment period. These are called long-term side effects. In addition, other side effects called late effects may develop months or even years afterwards. Long-term and late effects can include both physical and emotional changes.”

    After the Appointment

    Following any medical appointment, your Premier team can work with you and your family to ensure that any directives given during the doctor’s visit are followed. Home health aides can assist with grocery shopping and preparing meals that follow nutrition plans. Our home health aides can also manage exercise plans and provide reminders to take medication.

    Home health aides draw on their specialized training and experience to monitor overall health on an ongoing basis. They alert the care management team of any changes in a client’s condition, possible side effects, or new issues or concerns.

    Learn more about how Premier Home Health Care Services, Inc. can help you keep your appointments with your medical team. Call us today at 1-866-668-4429.

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