

    Take Action for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

    Have a Detection Plan

    Breast Cancer Awareness Month, observed each October, inspires significant online research. This campaign is truly helping the public learn more about a health condition that one in eight women in the US will be diagnosed with in their lifetime.

    The National Breast Cancer Foundation Inc. warns, however, that while most people are aware of breast cancer, “…many forget to take the steps to have a plan to detect the disease in its early stages and encourage others to do the same. We have made a lot of progress but still have a long way to go and need your help!”

    Early detection is critical and screenings are a key component. At Premier Home Health Care Services, Inc., our care management team sees to it that our clients’ appointments are made. Our escort service helps clients get to and from screenings as well.

    Know Your Care Options

    For the one in eight who will face a breast cancer diagnosis, not only is it important to map out a treatment plan with medical teams (from oncologists to nutritionists), but it’s vital to have a care plan in place to help manage the side effects of treatment that some patients experience, including vomiting, fatigue, anemia, and memory loss. Some patients also experience vision, heart and bone loss issues.

    As The American Cancer Society explains, “A highly skilled registered nurse (RN) can be very helpful to a cancer patient at home and can help relieve the burden on family members. A nurse comes to the home, looks at the care needs you and your family have, and sets up a plan of care along with the doctor. Services may include the care of wounds, ostomy care, giving intravenous (IV) treatments, giving and supervising medicines, and watching for side effects. Your care plan may also include giving supportive care, like pain control, as well as instruction and emotional support. The needs of both the patient and the family are covered.”

    The registered nurses who are part of the Premier Home Health Care team are trained in the specific care needs of breast cancer patients. Our care management team, our nurses, our clients’ doctors, our clients and their families work together to develop care plans that address medical needs while patients recover at home, where they feel most comfortable.

    Additional Support from Premier

    Premier Home Health Care has designed specialty training programs for our staff, including home health care aides, to provide industry-leading quality care for our clients based on their specific health needs. Our home health care aides offer companionship, assistance with daily tasks and preparing nutritional meals.

    The American Cancer Society also notes, “With the help of an aide, you can better handle personal care, such as getting in and out of bed, walking, bathing, and dressing. Some aides have had special training and are qualified to give more complex services if supervised by a registered nurse.”

    We also offer services to assist with light housekeeping, running errands, and pet care. We help our clients focus on recovery and offer the support they need to follow their prescribed care plans and manage their overall health and wellness.

    Be sure to speak with your doctor about recommended screening. Looking to explore care options? Give Premier Home Health Care Services, Inc. a call today to learn more about our programs and offerings at 1-866-668-4429.

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