

    How Will a Care Management Team Benefit You?

    Putting a care management team to work for you can make a significant difference in quality of life for patients and caregivers alike. Premier Home Health Care Services, Inc. offers a care management program with a mission to improve our clients’ well-being and manage their individual needs.

    Our staff is specially trained to manage the specific needs of conditions such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer’s, diabetes and heart disease. Our registered nurses develop a customized care management plan for each client that meets each individual’s personal needs.

    With a trained team in place to manage doctor’s appointments, care plans, physical therapy, medications and nutritional plans, overall health improves, caregivers gain peace of mind and clients are empowered. Our nurses manage our staff, providing home health care to ensure that all services provided align with the care plan and the client’s health is regularly assessed.

    Our program is designed not only to plan and manage care, but to help increase our clients’ knowledge about their health and keep caregivers informed. We’re here to answer questions, provide guidance and coordinate communications.

    The automation of our internal processes allows us to ensure that we can deliver our care management services efficiently and cost-effectively. Our nursing staff members have all been provided with tablets and our clinicians can access and revise vital client information in real-time, while strictly complying with HIPAA regulations. Our effective automated attendance system for our staff ensures punctuality and that care coverage can be arranged if needed.

    Learn more about care management from Premier Home Health Care. Call us today at 1-866-668-4429.


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